I have to confess that I've never been a great fan of Christmas or, as it's known in our house, The Monster That Ate the Last Third of the Year. It's mostly the rampant consumerism I object to, but I'm also a little wary of the annual crop of new Christmas stories and sometimes wonder why anyone bothers. Tony Bradman
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Love is like a brick. You can build a house, or you can sink a dead body. - Lady Gaga

  2. Rainbows make great pets, because they're already house trained. - Anthony T. Hincks

  3. Nobility is a lie. A pretence that high standing comes from anything more than money or martial prowess. Any dolt can play the noble, and as you'll discover in time, daughter, it's mostly dolts who do. - Anthony Ryan

  4. When you build a house You nail down memories Paint and stain the fabric of time - Anonymous

  5. A house is never small or empty, when filled with love. - Anthony Liccione

More Quotes By Tony Bradman
  1. I have to confess that I've never been a great fan of Christmas or, as it's known in our house, The Monster That Ate the Last Third of the Year. It's mostly the rampant consumerism I object to, but I'm also a little wary of...

  2. I don't usually like teen novels written in the present tense, particularly those told from a first-person viewpoint. Too many writers seem to believe that using either or both devices automatically imbues their stories with deep seriousness and a contemporary feel.

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